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Retail and direct-to-consumer (D2C) commerce has provided many brands with an attractive and lucrative sales model. By eliminating the proverbial middleman, merchants of all types and sizes can remove a key area of friction, foster brand loyalty, and maximize profits.

Whether your customer is shopping in-store, online, or mixture of both, there are significant challenges that exist from supply chain and inventory, to order processing and fulfillment.

If you landed on this page, it's likely because the above statements resonate with you.

So, let us show you how SkuNexus can help solve the issues your retail or D2C business might be facing.



Inventory Management Lies at the Heart of It All

It might as well be a mantra at this point, but it bears repeating: Your inventory is the foundation of your entire business.

Knowing what you have and where you have it, at all times, is mission-critical to business success.

This is true for any retail and D2C business, yet strong inventory management is no simple task. Protocols must be maintained at warehouses and brick-and-mortar stores, automation needs to be employed to reduce errors down to near-zero, and inventory must be synced across all channels, digital and physical, in real time.

For retail and D2C businesses with broad product catalogs, SkuNexus provides the capabilities needed to accurately manage inventory from the loading dock through to fulfillment.

By integrating with all major eCommerce, POS, and ERP platforms, our software automates a range of manual tasks and provides instant syncing. 

Fulfill Customer Orders from Anywhere

A successful retail and D2C ecosystem is dependent upon an array of sub-systems all working in seamless integration. Armed with up-to-the-second inventory, SkuNexus communicates with sales platforms to enable both in-store and online order fulfillment without wasting customer time. 

These decisions are made automatically based on rules created by YOU, the merchant, and can incorporate any data point within the system. This powerful automation eliminates manual decision-making and ensures accuracy and efficiency throughout the entire fulfillment process.


Our Software Expands As Your Business Grows

Growth is not just a goal but a vital necessity for any thriving business. However, many merchants find themselves restricted by the limitations of their existing technology infrastructure. In the retail and D2C industry, expanding product lines, entering new markets, and scaling operations require a flexible tech stack.

SkuNexus addresses this pain point head-on. Engineered for adaptability, our software platform can accommodate limitless additions—be it new collections, seasonal hires, multiple store locations, or even global expansion. Featuring a flexible, headless architecture, SkuNexus is designed to seamlessly scale with your business. So, as your brand evolves, our software CAN and WILL adapt and expand to meet your changing needs.

Schedule a Live Demo

Find out how our platform can elevate your operations. Offer to set up a test account for you, so you can try out the platform on your own time

Why SkuNexus

Find out how our platform can elevate your operations. Offer to set up a test account for you, so you can try out the platform on your own time