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    The complexity, and resultant breakdowns, of the supply chain in the wake of a global pandemic brought the importance of high-level vendor management front and center.

    Fortunately, SkuNexus has been developing solutions in this area for eCommerce merchants since Day One.


    Vendor relationships are like any other. The single-most important element is communication.

    Free data flow is a critical aspect of all eCommerce management, and this flow must extend to, and from, a merchant’s vendors. Your supplier relationships are a crucial gateway to growing your eCommerce business, but communicating with them can present an array of significant challenges.

    This isn't necessarily due to the vendors themselves, but rather to the varying technologies they use to manage their customers. Ranging from emails to CSV files, EDI connections, and proprietary systems, a myriad of connections are in use today, with only a few accepted standards.

    SkuNexus integration capabilities let you provide vendors access to your system in whatever way you see fit. Each vendor receives a central dashboard in which they can see relevant purchase orders, invoices, inventory levels, and order statuses. Granting vendors visibility into the information of your mutual interest lets them anticipate your needs, suggest alternatives if necessary, and ultimately helps turn your suppliers into business partners.

    SkuNexus delivers an eCommerce win-win for both you and your vendors.

    Our management software will allow you to track vendor inventory, SKUs, and prices across multiple locations, create unique purchase order formats for each vendor, automatically generate POs when inventory reaches a certain level (or send one when you know you need it), and add and manage hundreds or thousands of vendors without any reduction in loading or processing speeds.

    On the flipside, insights into your inventory give vendors the ability to improve their demand forecasting, streamline overall operations and, hopefully, increase sales as your business expands.

    On top of all this is a meaningful layer of security that protects your data and proprietary information. Meaning, unique vendor user profiles allow them to see information relevant to them, but no other vendor information or restricted customer data.


    The supply chain is never a sure thing. A SkuNexus solution can help you beat the odds.

    Supply chain integrity cannot be taken for granted. If a naval fleet is only as swift as its slowest ship, so too can your supply chain be severely disrupted by its least reliable vendor.

    Fortunately, you have options.

    A SkuNexus vendor management solution allows you deep insights into, and control over, your suppliers, while also allowing you to continually add capacity to your own network. If a breakdown occurs with one vendor, the platform will work to source what you need somewhere else, ASAP.

    By combining powerful automation with unbridled two-way data flow, SkuNexus gives you, and your vendors, a powerful edge in the eCommerce marketplace.