Commerce Operations Blog

Shopify Inventory Tracking: Everything You Need to Know & Do

Written by Yitz Lieblich | July 1, 2024

Shopify inventory tracking is the process of monitoring and managing stock levels, orders, and inventory across your Shopify store to ensure accurate and efficient operations.

The best Shopify inventory tracking leverages real-time updates, advanced automation, seamless integration, and comprehensive analytics to optimize inventory management, just like SkuNexus.

Read this guide to discover how to master Shopify inventory tracking and transform your eCommerce business with proven strategies and insights.

Mastering Shopify Inventory Tracking: The Ultimate Guide

Welcome to the ultimate guide on Shopify inventory tracking!

At SkuNexus, we bring decades of experience in eCommerce and inventory management to help you navigate the complexities of Shopify's inventory tracking system.

Our expertise in this field has empowered countless businesses to optimize their inventory processes and achieve operational excellence.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about tracking inventory on Shopify, from understanding the basics to implementing advanced strategies that will elevate your business.

We promise actionable insights, expert tips, and a comprehensive overview that will leave you well-equipped to master inventory management on Shopify.

Key Takeaways Previews:

  1. Master Shopify Inventory Tracking: Implement real-time updates, advanced automation, and comprehensive analytics to streamline your inventory management.
  2. Leverage Advanced Technologies: Utilize AI, machine learning, and IoT for predictive analytics, accurate forecasting, and real-time monitoring.
  3. Optimize Your Processes: Regularly audit your inventory, use barcode scanning, and set optimal reorder points to maintain accuracy and efficiency.
  4. Choose the Right Solution: SkuNexus offers unparalleled integration, customization, and support, making it the best choice for your Shopify inventory tracking needs.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and optimize your strategies based on data insights to stay ahead in a competitive eCommerce landscape.

Now, let’s dive into why effective inventory tracking matters and how it can transform your Shopify store.

Why Effective Inventory Tracking Matters

Effective inventory tracking is the backbone of any successful eCommerce business. It ensures you always have the right products in stock, ready to fulfill customer orders without delay.

Imagine running a store where you never worry about overselling or running out of popular items. That's the power of proper inventory tracking.

Poor inventory management can lead to disastrous consequences. Stockouts can frustrate customers and drive them to competitors, while overstocking ties up capital and increases storage costs.

By implementing robust inventory tracking practices, you can maintain a delicate balance that maximizes sales and minimizes costs.

At SkuNexus, we’ve seen firsthand how businesses thrive with efficient inventory management. One of our clients reduced stockouts by 35% and cut excess inventory by 20%, resulting in significant cost savings and happier customers.

The Impact of Poor Inventory Management on Your Shopify Store

Poor inventory management can be a silent killer for your Shopify store. It affects not only your bottom line but also your brand reputation and customer satisfaction. Here are some key impacts:

  • Stockouts and Lost Sales: When you run out of stock, potential sales are lost. Customers looking for immediate gratification will turn to competitors, resulting in missed revenue opportunities.
  • Overstocking and Increased Costs: Overstocking ties up your capital in unsold products, increasing storage costs and the risk of inventory obsolescence. It's like having money sitting idle on your shelves.
  • Inaccurate Inventory Data: Poor inventory practices lead to discrepancies between actual stock levels and what's recorded. This can cause delays in order fulfillment, incorrect shipments, and frustrated customers.
  • Customer Dissatisfaction: Consistent stockouts or incorrect orders erode customer trust. Negative experiences can lead to bad reviews and a damaged reputation, making it harder to retain and attract new customers.
  • Operational Inefficiencies: Inefficient inventory management means more time spent manually tracking and updating stock levels, which could be better spent on growth-oriented activities.

By understanding these impacts, you can see why effective inventory tracking is crucial. Now, let’s explore how SkuNexus can revolutionize your Shopify inventory tracking.

How SkuNexus Can Revolutionize Your Inventory Tracking

SkuNexus is designed to take your Shopify inventory tracking to the next level. Here’s how:

  • Real-Time Inventory Visibility: With SkuNexus, you get a real-time view of your inventory across all channels. This ensures you always know what’s in stock, preventing both stockouts and overstock situations. Real-time updates mean you can react quickly to changes in demand.
  • Automation of Inventory Processes: SkuNexus automates many of the tedious inventory management tasks. From updating stock levels to generating purchase orders, automation reduces human error and frees up your time for strategic activities. This means fewer mistakes and more efficient operations.
  • Advanced Analytics and Reporting: Our platform provides in-depth analytics and reporting tools to help you understand your inventory trends. Use this data to make informed decisions about purchasing, stocking, and sales strategies.
  • Integration with Shopify: SkuNexus seamlessly integrates with your Shopify store, ensuring smooth data flow between systems. This integration eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing errors and saving time.
  • Customizable Solutions: Every business is unique, and so are its inventory management needs. SkuNexus offers customizable solutions that fit your specific requirements, whether it’s multi-channel inventory management, complex order fulfillment, or detailed inventory tracking.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, SkuNexus grows with you. Easily add new stores, users, and manage increased inventory volumes without skipping a beat.

By leveraging SkuNexus, you can transform your inventory management, leading to better efficiency, happier customers, and a stronger bottom line. Let’s move on to understanding the basics of Shopify inventory tracking systems.

Understanding Shopify Inventory Tracking Systems

Effective inventory tracking is the backbone of any successful eCommerce operation. But what exactly does it entail?

What Is Shopify Inventory Tracking?

Shopify inventory tracking is all about keeping a meticulous record of every product in your store. It’s about knowing exactly what you have, where it is, and how much of it you need.

Think of it as a high-stakes game of chess. Each move, or inventory decision, impacts your next. Without accurate inventory tracking, you’re playing blindfolded. With it, you’re the grandmaster.

Inventory tracking involves updating stock levels, managing SKUs, and ensuring that your inventory data is accurate across all channels. This helps prevent overselling, stockouts, and ensures a smooth customer experience.

But basic tracking is just the beginning. Let's look at what makes an inventory tracking system truly robust.

Key Features of a Robust Shopify Inventory Tracking System

  • Real-Time Updates: Imagine getting instant notifications whenever an item is sold or returned. Real-time updates ensure that your inventory data is always current, reducing errors and improving decision-making.
  • Multi-Channel Synchronization: Selling on multiple platforms? A robust system synchronizes inventory across all channels. This means you never oversell on one platform while understocking on another. It’s all about balance.
  • Automated Reorder Points: Set your system to automatically reorder products when stock levels hit a certain point. This keeps your shelves stocked and customers happy. No more last-minute panic orders!
  • Advanced Reporting and Analytics: Knowledge is power. Advanced reporting tools give you insights into sales trends, peak seasons, and inventory performance. Use this data to make informed decisions and optimize your stock levels.
  • Customizable Alerts: Get alerts tailored to your business needs. From low stock warnings to high return rates, customizable alerts keep you on top of your game.

These features form the foundation of an efficient inventory management system. But how does SkuNexus take it to the next level?

How SkuNexus Enhances Shopify Inventory Management

At SkuNexus, we believe in pushing the boundaries of what inventory tracking can do.

  • Seamless Shopify Integration: Our platform integrates smoothly with Shopify, ensuring all your inventory data is synced in real-time. This eliminates manual entry errors and saves you valuable time.
  • Scalable Solutions: Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, SkuNexus scales with your needs. Add new sales channels, expand your product lines, and grow your business without worrying about inventory chaos.
  • Custom Workflows: Every business is unique, and so are its workflows. With SkuNexus, you can create custom workflows that fit your specific inventory processes. This means more efficiency and less hassle.
  • Detailed Inventory Insights: Gain access to detailed insights that go beyond basic analytics. Understand your inventory turnover rates, identify slow-moving products, and optimize your stock levels for maximum profitability.
  • Enhanced Automation: Automation is at the heart of SkuNexus. From automated reordering to real-time inventory updates, we make sure your inventory management is as hands-off as possible. Focus on growing your business while we handle the details.

Ready to see how these features can transform your Shopify inventory tracking management?

Let’s explore the benefits of using SkuNexus for Shopify inventory management.

The Benefits of Using SkuNexus for Shopify Inventory Tracking Management

When it comes to Shopify inventory tracking, SkuNexus stands out with its robust features designed to optimize your eCommerce operations.

Let’s dive into the key benefits of using SkuNexus for managing your Shopify inventory.

Real-Time Inventory Visibility

Real-time inventory visibility is a game-changer. With SkuNexus, you always have an up-to-date view of your stock levels across all channels.

Picture this: A customer places an order, and immediately, your inventory updates. No delays, no guesswork. Instant updates mean you can make informed decisions on the fly.

We had a client who managed multiple Shopify stores. Before SkuNexus, they struggled with inventory discrepancies. After integrating SkuNexus, they saw a 50% reduction in inventory-related issues. This meant happier customers and fewer headaches.

Real-time visibility isn’t just about knowing what’s in stock. It’s about having the confidence to make strategic decisions, ensuring your business runs smoothly.

Automating Inventory Control for Efficiency

Automation is the future. And with SkuNexus, the future is now.

Automating inventory control eliminates manual errors and saves valuable time. From automatic stock updates to generating purchase orders, SkuNexus takes care of the tedious tasks.

Imagine setting up automatic reorders when stock levels hit a certain point. No more last-minute rushes to restock popular items. This level of automation ensures your inventory is always at optimal levels.

One of our users shared that after implementing SkuNexus, they were able to reallocate 20% of their workforce from inventory management to growth-focused activities. That's the power of automation.

Efficiency isn’t just about speed; it’s about accuracy. With SkuNexus, you get both. Your team can focus on what they do best while our system handles the rest.

Reducing Stockouts and Overstocks

Stockouts and overstocks are inventory nightmares. They can disrupt your cash flow and frustrate your customers. SkuNexus is designed to prevent these issues.

By providing real-time data and automated alerts, SkuNexus helps you maintain optimal stock levels. You’ll always know when it’s time to reorder and when to hold back.

Consider the story of an apparel store that frequently experienced stockouts during peak seasons. After switching to SkuNexus, they achieved a 30% reduction in stockouts. Their customers enjoyed a consistent shopping experience, and their sales soared.

Overstocks are equally problematic. They tie up capital and increase storage costs. SkuNexus’s inventory optimization tools ensure you have just the right amount of stock. Not too much, not too little.

With SkuNexus, you can strike the perfect balance. Reduce waste, improve cash flow, and keep your customers satisfied.

Are you ready to elevate your Shopify inventory management? Next, let’s explore the step-by-step process of setting up Shopify inventory tracking with SkuNexus.

Setting Up Shopify Inventory Tracking with SkuNexus

Ready to revolutionize your Shopify inventory management with SkuNexus? Let's get started with a step-by-step guide to ensure a seamless integration.

Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating SkuNexus with Shopify

  1. Sign Up and Set Up: Begin by signing up for a SkuNexus account. Once you're in, follow the prompts to set up your account. This includes entering your business details and syncing with your Shopify store.
  2. Connect Your Shopify Store: Navigate to the integration settings in SkuNexus. Select Shopify from the list of available platforms. Follow the instructions to authorize the connection. This will enable SkuNexus to pull in your product data, orders, and inventory levels.
  3. Sync Your Products: Once connected, SkuNexus will automatically sync your Shopify products. This means all your SKUs, stock levels, and product details will be mirrored in SkuNexus. This real-time synchronization ensures your data is always up-to-date.
  4. Configure Inventory Settings: Head to the inventory settings in SkuNexus. Here, you can set your reorder points, safety stock levels, and other key parameters. This is crucial for automating your inventory control processes.
  5. Set Up Notifications and Alerts: Customize your notifications and alerts to stay on top of your inventory. Get notified when stock levels are low, when orders are placed, or when there are discrepancies.
  6. Test the Integration: Before going live, run a few test orders. This will help you ensure that everything is working as expected. Check that stock levels are updating correctly and that orders are flowing seamlessly between Shopify and SkuNexus.

Customizing Your Inventory Tracking Settings

Every business is unique, and SkuNexus allows you to tailor your inventory tracking to fit your specific needs.

  • Custom Workflows: Create custom workflows that reflect your business processes. Whether it's automating reorders or setting specific rules for stock allocation, SkuNexus makes it easy to customize.
  • Advanced Reporting: Dive into the reporting settings to tailor the reports you need. From sales trends to inventory turnover, customize your dashboards to get the insights that matter most to you.
  • User Roles and Permissions: Assign roles and permissions to your team members. This ensures that everyone has access to the information they need without compromising data security. Control who can update inventory, process orders, and access sensitive data.
  • Integration with Other Tools: SkuNexus doesn't stop at Shopify. Integrate with other tools and platforms you use, from accounting software to shipping carriers. This holistic approach ensures that all your systems work in harmony.

Tips for a Smooth Implementation Process

  • Start Small: Begin with a subset of your inventory to ensure everything is set up correctly. This makes it easier to catch and fix any issues before scaling up.
  • Training Your Team: Invest time in training your team on using SkuNexus. The more familiar they are with the system, the smoother your operations will run.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits during the initial phase to ensure everything is syncing correctly. This helps identify any discrepancies early on.
  • Leverage Support: Utilize SkuNexus support resources. From tutorials to customer service, take advantage of the available help to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Feedback Loop: Keep an open line of communication with your team. Encourage them to provide feedback on the new system and make adjustments as needed.

With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your Shopify inventory management with SkuNexus.

Next, let's dive into the best practices for effective Shopify inventory tracking.

Best Practices for Effective Shopify Inventory Tracking

Mastering Shopify inventory tracking requires more than just the right tools; it demands the right practices. Here are some best practices to ensure your inventory management is top-notch.

Regular Stock Audits and Cycle Counts

Regular stock audits are crucial. They ensure that your recorded inventory matches your physical stock, reducing discrepancies.

Cycle counts are an effective way to maintain inventory accuracy without the need for a full-scale audit. Instead of counting all your inventory at once, you count a subset of your inventory on a rotating schedule.

For example, you might count high-turnover items more frequently than slow-moving ones. This approach helps identify issues early and keeps your data accurate.

One of our clients, a mid-sized retailer, implemented cycle counts and saw a 40% improvement in inventory accuracy within six months. This led to fewer stockouts and better customer satisfaction.

Use SkuNexus to automate your cycle counts. Set up schedules and reminders to ensure counts are performed consistently and accurately.

Utilizing Barcode Scanning for Accuracy

Barcode scanning is a game-changer for inventory accuracy. It eliminates manual entry errors and speeds up the process of updating inventory levels.

Every product in your inventory should have a unique barcode. This allows for quick and precise tracking of stock levels, movements, and sales.

When receiving new inventory, scan each item to update your system immediately. This ensures your records are always up-to-date and reduces the risk of discrepancies.

We had a client in the electronics industry who switched to barcode scanning with SkuNexus. They reduced their inventory discrepancies by 50% and streamlined their warehouse operations significantly.

Implement barcode scanning in all areas of your inventory management, from receiving and picking to packing and shipping. This holistic approach maximizes accuracy and efficiency.

Optimizing Reorder Points and Safety Stock Levels

Reorder points and safety stock levels are essential for maintaining optimal inventory levels. They help you avoid stockouts and overstock situations.

A reorder point is the stock level at which you trigger a new order. Safety stock is the extra inventory you keep on hand to cover unexpected demand or supply delays.

Calculate your reorder points based on lead time demand and your desired level of safety stock. For instance, if you sell 10 units per day and your lead time is 7 days, your reorder point might be 70 units plus safety stock.

Use SkuNexus to automate your reorder points. The system can automatically generate purchase orders when stock levels hit your predefined thresholds, ensuring you never run out of critical items.

One of our clients, a fashion retailer, optimized their reorder points and safety stock levels using SkuNexus. They saw a 30% reduction in stockouts and improved cash flow by not overstocking.

By implementing these best practices, you can significantly enhance your Shopify inventory tracking management. Next, let’s explore advanced techniques for inventory tracking.

Advanced Shopify Inventory Tracking Techniques

Ready to take your Shopify inventory tracking to the next level? These advanced techniques will help you optimize your inventory management like never before.

Leveraging Data Analytics for Inventory Optimization

Data analytics is the secret sauce to inventory optimization. By analyzing your inventory data, you can uncover trends, identify inefficiencies, and make data-driven decisions.

Imagine knowing exactly which products are your top sellers, and which ones are just taking up space. With SkuNexus, you get access to powerful analytics tools that provide insights into your inventory performance.

For example, you can track inventory turnover rates to see how quickly products are selling. High turnover indicates popular items, while low turnover might suggest products that need to be discounted or discontinued.

We had a client in the health and beauty industry who used SkuNexus analytics to optimize their inventory. They identified slow-moving products and ran targeted promotions, reducing excess inventory by 25%.

Regularly review your analytics dashboard. Look for patterns and adjust your inventory strategies accordingly. This proactive approach ensures you're always ahead of the game.

Multi-Channel Inventory Synchronization

Selling on multiple platforms can be a logistical nightmare without proper synchronization.

Multi-channel inventory synchronization ensures that your stock levels are accurate across all sales channels.

SkuNexus makes it easy to sync your inventory between Shopify and other platforms like Amazon, eBay, and more. This means a sale on one channel automatically updates the stock levels on all others.

For instance, if you sell a product on your Shopify store, SkuNexus instantly updates the inventory on your Amazon and eBay stores. No more overselling or manual updates.

One of our clients, a home decor retailer, expanded to multiple sales channels with SkuNexus. They saw a 40% increase in sales while maintaining accurate inventory levels across all platforms.

Use SkuNexus to automate multi-channel synchronization. This reduces manual work and ensures consistency, so you can focus on growing your business.

Inventory Forecasting and Demand Planning

Inventory forecasting and demand planning are crucial for staying ahead of customer needs. By predicting future demand, you can ensure you have the right products in the right quantities.

SkuNexus uses advanced algorithms to analyze historical sales data and predict future trends. This helps you make informed decisions about ordering and stocking.

For example, if you know a particular product sells well during the holiday season, you can increase your stock levels in advance. Conversely, if a product has seasonal dips, you can reduce orders to avoid excess inventory.

We had a client in the outdoor gear industry who used SkuNexus for demand planning. They were able to prepare for peak seasons, resulting in a 35% increase in sales during those periods.

Regularly review your demand forecasts and adjust your inventory levels accordingly. This ensures you’re always prepared for changes in demand and can capitalize on sales opportunities.

By leveraging these advanced techniques, you can transform your Shopify inventory tracking management into a well-oiled machine. Up next, we’ll discuss how to troubleshoot common Shopify inventory tracking issues.

Future-Proofing Your Inventory Management

The future of Shopify inventory tracking is bright, thanks to emerging technologies that promise to revolutionize how we manage stock. Here are some cutting-edge advancements that will help you stay ahead of the curve.

RFID Technology in Inventory Tracking

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology is transforming inventory management by providing precise and automated tracking of products.

RFID tags use radio waves to communicate with a reader, allowing for real-time updates on inventory location and status. This is a step beyond traditional barcoding, offering faster and more accurate tracking.

Imagine having instant visibility into your entire inventory without manual scanning. That’s the power of RFID. It can significantly reduce human error, save time, and improve accuracy.

One of our clients, a large retail chain, implemented RFID with SkuNexus. They saw a 50% reduction in labor costs associated with inventory counts and a 30% increase in inventory accuracy.

Consider integrating RFID technology into your inventory management system, especially if you manage a large volume of stock. The initial investment pays off with increased efficiency and accuracy.

The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Inventory Management

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning are game-changers in inventory management. These technologies analyze vast amounts of data to predict trends, optimize stock levels, and automate decision-making processes.

AI can forecast demand with incredible accuracy, taking into account factors like seasonality, market trends, and historical sales data. This means you can make smarter ordering decisions and reduce the risk of stockouts or overstocking.

Machine learning algorithms continuously improve as they process more data, becoming more accurate over time. This leads to more reliable forecasts and better inventory management strategies.

We had a client in the electronics sector who used AI-powered forecasting with SkuNexus. They improved their demand forecasting accuracy by 40%, leading to better stock management and increased sales.

Leverage AI and machine learning in your inventory management to gain a competitive edge. These technologies can help you make data-driven decisions and optimize your inventory processes.

By embracing these advanced technologies, you can future-proof your Shopify inventory management and stay ahead in a competitive market. Up next, let's address common Shopify inventory tracking issues and how to troubleshoot them.

Troubleshooting Common Shopify Inventory Tracking Issues

Even with the best systems in place, inventory tracking can sometimes go awry. Here’s how to tackle some common Shopify inventory tracking issues.

Identifying and Resolving Inventory Discrepancies

Inventory discrepancies are discrepancies between what your system says you have in stock and what you actually have. They can arise from human error, theft, or system glitches.

  • Step 1: Regular Audits: Conduct regular inventory audits to catch discrepancies early. This involves comparing physical stock with system records.
  • Step 2: Investigate Causes: If discrepancies are found, investigate their root causes. Look for patterns such as certain products frequently showing discrepancies.
  • Step 3: Resolve Issues: Once you identify the cause, take corrective action. This might involve tightening security, improving employee training, or addressing system bugs.

A client of ours, a fashion retailer, noticed frequent discrepancies in their high-value items. After implementing regular audits and better security measures, they reduced discrepancies by 60%.

Use SkuNexus to set up automated alerts for discrepancies. This proactive approach helps you address issues before they escalate.

Handling Returns and Exchanges Efficiently

Returns and exchanges can complicate inventory management. But with the right approach, you can handle them efficiently.

  • Step 1: Streamlined Processes: Have a clear, streamlined process for handling returns and exchanges. This ensures that returned items are quickly checked, restocked, or sent for repair.
  • Step 2: Update Inventory Immediately: As soon as a return is processed, update your inventory levels. Delays can lead to discrepancies and stockouts.
  • Step 3: Analyze Return Data: Track the reasons for returns and exchanges. Use this data to identify patterns and address underlying issues, such as product quality or description inaccuracies.

One of our clients, an electronics retailer, improved their return process with SkuNexus. They automated return updates and analyzed return data, reducing return-related discrepancies by 40%.

Integrate your return management with SkuNexus for seamless updates and comprehensive data analysis. This integration simplifies the process and provides valuable insights.

Ensuring Data Accuracy Across Systems

Data accuracy is critical for effective inventory management. Inaccurate data can lead to poor decision-making and operational inefficiencies.

  • Step 1: Sync Systems: Ensure all your systems—Shopify, SkuNexus, and any other platforms—are synced in real-time. This prevents data discrepancies and keeps everyone on the same page.
  • Step 2: Regular Audits: Perform regular data audits to check for consistency across systems. Look for discrepancies and address them promptly.
  • Step 3: Employee Training: Train your team on the importance of data accuracy. Make sure they understand how to enter data correctly and follow established procedures.

A client in the home goods industry struggled with data accuracy across multiple sales channels. By syncing their systems with SkuNexus and conducting regular audits, they improved data accuracy by 30%.

Leverage SkuNexus’s real-time syncing capabilities. This ensures your data is always up-to-date and accurate, reducing the risk of errors.

By addressing these common issues, you can maintain accurate and efficient Shopify inventory tracking. Next, let’s dive into frequently asked questions about Shopify inventory tracking.

Case Studies: Implementing SkuNexus Inventory Management Tracking System

#1: Graeter’s Ice Cream Automates 100% of Orders with Custom Functionality

About Graeter’s: Graeter’s Ice Cream, a family-owned craft ice cream producer in Cincinnati, Ohio, has been delighting customers with artisanal ice cream for over a century. They produce their ice cream using the French Pot process, which yields just 2.5 gallons per batch, ensuring quality and taste.

The Situation: By 2017, Graeter’s was selling over a quarter-million pints annually through their ecommerce site. However, their growth highlighted significant operational challenges:

  • Scattered inventory data across multiple warehouses.
  • Difficulty tracking orders from start to finish.
  • Manual fulfillment processes causing inefficiencies.
  • Challenges in maintaining inventory levels and proper order routing.
  • Manual packing decisions and labeling requirements.
  • Lack of user-specific roles and workflows.

The Solution: SkuNexus implemented a comprehensive, customized inventory tracking management system to address Graeter’s needs:

  • Established a real-time system for managing inventory, order routing, fulfillment, and shipping.
  • Integrated seamlessly with Magento.
  • Automated packing instructions for consistent dry ice usage.
  • Assigned specific employee roles and created custom workflows.
  • Developed strict protocols for shipping labels and dry ice amounts.

Initial Results:

  • Corrected order routing problems and unscheduled stock-outs.
  • Achieved real-time inventory accuracy.
  • Reduced errors through automated warehouse management and order fulfillment.
  • Implemented multiple SkuNexus Shipping Option Mappers for consistent packing.
  • Automated dry ice amounts for every order, ensuring safe delivery.

Ongoing Customizations & More Benefits: Over five years, SkuNexus continued to enhance Graeter’s fulfillment operations, allowing them to:

  • Rotate inventory locations and warehouse configurations.
  • Utilize wave picking for efficiency.
  • Customize shipping labels for a personalized customer experience.
  • Facilitate disaster response with bulk reship functions.
  • Maintain rapid support resolution.

Impact: Graeter’s new fulfillment center, built around SkuNexus, has supported their eCommerce growth, doubling sales from 270,000 to over 550,000 pints annually.

SkuNexus took our processes to the next level! Using its automations for shipping and fulfillment, we have seen massive improvement in our order handling and fulfillment.” - Jaclyn von Stein, Director of eCommerce and Technology

#2: Carewell Optimizes Branded Dropshipping Operations with SkuNexus

About Carewell: Carewell, an eCommerce retailer offering home health products, was born out of the CEO’s frustration with the disjointed online market for caregiving products. Their focus on customer service and a supportive community has driven their success.

The Situation: Carewell faced challenges as they grew:

  • Needed seamless integration with their ecommerce platform.
  • Required consistent data flow between Carewell and vendors/dropshippers.
  • Aimed to improve order accuracy and customer satisfaction.
  • Wanted the ability to easily add vendors/dropshippers.
  • Sought a long-term relationship with a flexible software provider.

The Solution: SkuNexus provided a tailored solution:

  • Integrated seamlessly with BigCommerce.
  • Centralized vendor management to eliminate data flow inconsistencies.
  • Automated purchase orders for dropshipping.
  • Improved accuracy and efficiency through powerful order automation.
  • Enhanced customer experience with real-time inventory visibility.

Results: Since implementing SkuNexus in 2020, Carewell has achieved significant milestones:

  • Secured $30MM in venture capital funding.
  • Ranked #74 on Inc.’s 2021 5000 Fastest-Growing Private Companies in America.
  • Improved vendor communication and data flow.
  • Increased customer satisfaction through higher order accuracy.

“SkuNexus helps make our customer experience the best it can be!” - Bianca Padilla, CEO, Carewell

#3: New Look Automates Fulfillment and Streamlines Order Management with SkuNexus

About New Look: New Look Vision Group Inc., Canada’s largest eyewear retailer, operates 477 locations across Canada and the United States. Their commitment to quality and service sets them apart.

The Situation: New Look’s rapid growth in eCommerce revealed the need for:

  • Reducing order-processing times and improving accuracy.
  • Automating fulfillment processes to increase efficiency.
  • Seamlessly integrating their ecommerce platform with other systems.

The Process: Cyper, a digital transformation consultancy, conducted an audit and identified New Look’s needs. They required:

  • Integration with Magento and other tech stack elements.
  • Full automation of pick, pack, and ship processes.
  • Flexibility to support New Look’s scaling business.

The Solution: SkuNexus provided the perfect fit:

  • Seamlessly integrated with Magento 2 and other systems.
  • Automated the entire fulfillment process.
  • Provided a flexible, customizable OMS.


  • Increased online sales.
  • Improved pick, pack, and ship processes.
  • Provided scalability for future growth.

“SkuNexus is a simple, clean, ‘best-of-breed’ solution with ‘straightforward UI/UX.’ Its modular quality makes customization efficient.” - Elena Pomazanova, President, Cyper

FAQs About Shopify Inventory Tracking

Inventory management can be complex, but we're here to simplify it. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Shopify inventory tracking.

How do I keep track of my inventory on Shopify?

Keeping track of your inventory on Shopify involves using the platform's built-in tools to monitor stock levels, set up inventory alerts, and update product quantities. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Enable Inventory Tracking: Go to the product details in your Shopify admin and enable inventory tracking for each product.
  • Set Up Alerts: Configure low stock alerts to notify you when inventory levels fall below a certain threshold.
  • Use Inventory Reports: Regularly check Shopify’s inventory reports to see stock levels and sales data.

Integrate with SkuNexus for more advanced tracking features, such as real-time updates and automated reordering.

Is Shopify good for inventory management?

Yes, Shopify is good for inventory management, especially for small to medium-sized businesses. It provides essential tools to track inventory, manage stock across multiple locations, and set up inventory alerts.

However, for more complex needs, integrating Shopify with a powerful system like SkuNexus can offer enhanced functionality and automation.

How to do an inventory count in Shopify?

To perform an inventory count in Shopify:

  • Go to the Inventory Section: In your Shopify admin, navigate to Products > Inventory.
  • Select the Location: Choose the location where you want to perform the count.
  • Update Quantities: Physically count your stock and update the quantities in Shopify.
  • Save Changes: Save the changes to ensure your inventory records are accurate.

Regular cycle counts are recommended to maintain accuracy. SkuNexus can automate parts of this process to make it even more efficient.

Does Shopify POS track inventory?

Yes, Shopify POS (Point of Sale) tracks inventory. It syncs with your online store to ensure inventory levels are updated in real-time.

This integration allows you to manage both your online and physical store inventory from one central system, reducing the risk of discrepancies and overselling.

Which inventory tracking management system is best?

The best inventory tracking management system depends on your specific business needs.

For most businesses, SkuNexus offers a comprehensive solution with features like real-time tracking, automation, and advanced analytics.

It integrates seamlessly with Shopify, providing a powerful toolset to manage inventory efficiently.

What Makes SkuNexus the Best Choice for Shopify Inventory Tracking?

SkuNexus stands out for its flexibility, customization, and robust features. Here’s why it’s the best choice:

  • Real-Time Inventory Updates: Always know your stock levels with instant updates.
  • Advanced Automation: Automate repetitive tasks like reordering and stock updates.
  • Custom Workflows: Tailor the system to fit your unique processes.
  • Scalability: Easily scale your operations as your business grows.

Our clients, like Graeter’s Ice Cream and Carewell, have seen significant improvements in efficiency and accuracy after implementing SkuNexus.

How Can I Sync Inventory Across Multiple Sales Channels?

Syncing inventory across multiple sales channels is crucial to avoid overselling and stock discrepancies. Here’s how you can do it with SkuNexus:

  • Integrate All Channels: Connect all your sales channels, including Shopify, Amazon, eBay, and others, to SkuNexus.
  • Real-Time Updates: Ensure real-time inventory updates across all platforms.
  • Automate Processes: Use automation to handle stock adjustments and reorders.

This approach helps maintain consistent inventory levels and improves overall operational efficiency.

What Are the Costs Associated with Implementing SkuNexus?

The costs of implementing SkuNexus vary based on the size of your business and specific needs. Typically, costs include:

  • Subscription Fees: Based on the features and level of service required.
  • Integration Costs: Initial setup and integration with existing systems.
  • Customization: Any additional customization to fit your unique workflows.

Investing in a robust system like SkuNexus can save you money in the long run by reducing errors, improving efficiency, and increasing customer satisfaction.

What Is the Difference Between Periodic and Perpetual Inventory Systems?

Understanding the difference between periodic and perpetual inventory systems is crucial for effective inventory management:

  • Periodic Inventory System: Inventory updates are made at specific intervals (e.g., monthly or quarterly). It requires physical counts to determine stock levels.
  • Perpetual Inventory System: Inventory is updated in real-time with every sale or purchase. This system provides more accurate and up-to-date inventory information.

SkuNexus supports perpetual inventory systems, offering real-time updates and comprehensive tracking to ensure you always have the most accurate data.

With these FAQs answered, you should have a clearer understanding of Shopify inventory tracking and how SkuNexus can enhance your operations.

Let’s move on to the next section, where we’ll conclude with actionable steps and final insights.

Elevate Your Shopify Store with SkuNexus: Next Steps

Top 11 Key Takeaways from This Guide

Here are the most important insights and actionable steps from our comprehensive guide on Shopify inventory tracking:

  1. Implement Real-Time Tracking: Use real-time updates to maintain accurate stock levels across all sales channels, reducing the risk of stockouts and overstock situations.

  2. Automate Inventory Processes: Leverage automation to streamline tasks like reordering, stock updates, and order routing, freeing up time and minimizing human errors.

  3. Use Advanced Analytics: Employ advanced analytics to gain insights into sales trends, inventory turnover, and customer demand, enabling data-driven decisions.

  4. Customize Workflows: Tailor your inventory management system to fit your unique business processes, enhancing efficiency and adaptability.

  5. Regular Stock Audits: Conduct regular audits and cycle counts to maintain inventory accuracy and identify discrepancies early.

  6. Barcode Scanning for Accuracy: Implement barcode scanning to eliminate manual errors and speed up inventory updates.

  7. Optimize Reorder Points: Calculate and set optimal reorder points and safety stock levels to ensure you always have the right amount of inventory.

  8. Leverage AI and Machine Learning: Utilize AI and machine learning for predictive analytics and accurate demand forecasting, improving stock management.

  9. Integrate Multi-Channel Systems: Ensure inventory levels are consistent across all sales channels to prevent overselling and stock discrepancies.

  10. Utilize IoT for Monitoring: Use IoT devices for real-time inventory monitoring, ensuring optimal storage conditions and reducing spoilage or loss.

  11. Choose the Right Solution: Select a comprehensive inventory management system like SkuNexus that offers seamless integration, advanced features, and excellent support to optimize your Shopify store's inventory tracking.

By focusing on these key takeaways, you can significantly improve your Shopify inventory tracking, enhance operational efficiency, and drive business growth.

SkuNexus Takes Care of All Your Shopify Inventory Tracking Needs & More!

Taking your Shopify inventory tracking to the next level with SkuNexus is a game-changer.

Here’s how you can get started and ensure a seamless integration with continuous improvement.

Getting Started with SkuNexus

  • Step 1: Sign Up and Set Up: Begin by signing up for SkuNexus. Our intuitive setup process will guide you through connecting your Shopify store and configuring initial settings.
  • Step 2: Integration: Seamlessly integrate SkuNexus with your Shopify store. Our platform is designed to sync effortlessly, ensuring all your inventory data is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Step 3: Configure Your System: Customize SkuNexus to fit your specific business needs. Set up inventory tracking parameters, reorder points, and automation rules to streamline your operations.
  • Step 4: Training: We provide comprehensive training for your team to get acquainted with SkuNexus. This ensures everyone knows how to use the system effectively and can make the most of its powerful features.

Start small by integrating SkuNexus with a subset of your inventory. This allows you to test the system and make adjustments before rolling it out across your entire catalog.

Resources and Support for Seamless Integration

Expert Support: At SkuNexus, we’re committed to your success. Our dedicated support team is available to assist you with any questions or challenges you might face during integration and beyond.

Tutorials and Documentation: Access a wealth of resources, including step-by-step tutorials, detailed documentation, and video guides. These materials are designed to help you master every aspect of SkuNexus.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Our team is here to help you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth transition and optimal use of SkuNexus.

Ongoing Strategies for Continuous Improvement

  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of your inventory data to ensure accuracy. Use SkuNexus’s advanced reporting tools to identify any discrepancies and address them promptly.
  • Feedback Loop: Encourage feedback from your team and customers. Understanding their experiences can help you identify areas for improvement and enhance your inventory management processes.
  • Stay Updated: Keep an eye on updates and new features from SkuNexus. We continually improve our platform to provide you with the latest tools and technologies in inventory management.
  • Optimization: Regularly review and optimize your inventory strategies. Use the data and insights provided by SkuNexus to make informed decisions and adjust your approach as needed.
  • Leverage the analytics and reporting features of SkuNexus to gain deeper insights into your inventory performance. This data-driven approach allows you to continuously refine and improve your operations.

By following these steps and utilizing the resources available, you can elevate your Shopify store with SkuNexus. Achieve greater efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction, and take your business to new heights.

Why SkuNexus is the Ultimate Solution for Shopify Inventory Management

As we’ve explored throughout this guide, efficient and accurate inventory management is the backbone of a successful eCommerce business.

Every strategy, tip, and tool we've discussed ultimately leads to one conclusion: SkuNexus is the optimal choice for managing your Shopify inventory.

Seamless Integration and Real-Time Updates

SkuNexus offers seamless integration with Shopify, ensuring that your inventory data is always current.

This integration eliminates manual errors and provides real-time updates across all your sales channels.

By automating inventory updates, you save time and reduce the risk of stockouts and overstock situations.

One of our clients, Graeter’s Ice Cream, leveraged SkuNexus to synchronize their multi-warehouse operations. This integration eliminated data silos and ensured accurate inventory tracking across all locations.

Advanced Automation and Customization

Automation is key to efficient inventory management. SkuNexus automates repetitive tasks such as reordering, stock updates, and order routing.

This reduces manual workload and increases accuracy. Additionally, the platform’s customizable workflows allow you to tailor the system to fit your unique business needs.

Carewell improved their dropshipping operations with SkuNexus, automating purchase orders and streamlining vendor communication. This led to higher order accuracy and customer satisfaction.

Powerful Analytics and Reporting

SkuNexus provides powerful analytics and reporting tools that give you insights into your inventory performance.

These tools help you understand sales trends, inventory turnover, and more. With this data, you can make informed decisions and optimize your stock levels.

New Look Vision Group used SkuNexus to gain deeper insights into their eCommerce operations, improving their pick, pack, and ship processes. This optimization led to increased online sales and better inventory management.

Scalability and Flexibility

As your business grows, your inventory management system needs to scale with it.

SkuNexus offers scalability and flexibility, allowing you to add new sales channels, warehouses, and products without disrupting your operations. Its modular design means you can customize and expand the system as needed.

Many of our clients have experienced exponential growth after implementing SkuNexus. The platform’s ability to handle increased volume and complexity has been crucial to their success.

Dedicated Support and Continuous Improvement

At SkuNexus, we’re committed to your success. Our dedicated support team is always available to assist you, ensuring a smooth integration and ongoing support.

We also continuously update and improve our platform to provide you with the latest tools and technologies in inventory management.

“SkuNexus took our processes to the next level! Using its automations for shipping and fulfillment, we have seen massive improvement in our order handling and fulfillment.” - Jaclyn von Stein, Director of eCommerce and Technology

Conclusion: SkuNexus - Your Partner in Success

Every aspect of inventory management discussed in this guide, from real-time visibility and automation to advanced analytics and scalability, points to one solution: SkuNexus.

It’s not just about managing inventory; it’s about transforming your business operations and driving growth.

Ready to elevate your Shopify store with SkuNexus?

Join the ranks of successful businesses who have revolutionized their inventory management and achieved remarkable results.

Let’s get started and take your Shopify inventory tracking management to the next level with SkuNexus.

Sign Up for Your Free Shopify Inventory Tracking Strategy Session and Demo

Sign up for our free strategy session and demo to see how SkuNexus can revolutionize your operations.

Why You Should Join:

  • Personalized Strategy Session: Get tailored advice specific to your business needs. Our experts will analyze your current inventory management practices and provide actionable insights to improve efficiency and accuracy.
  • Live Demo: Experience the power of SkuNexus firsthand. See how our platform integrates seamlessly with Shopify, automates inventory processes, and provides real-time data and analytics.
  • Q&A with Experts: Have all your questions answered by our knowledgeable team. Learn best practices and get tips to optimize your inventory management.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Real-Time Inventory Visibility: Discover how to maintain accurate stock levels across all channels, preventing stockouts and overstock situations.
  • Advanced Automation: See how automating tasks like reordering and order routing can save you time and reduce errors.
  • Custom Workflows: Learn how to customize workflows to fit your unique business processes and improve efficiency.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Understand how SkuNexus can grow with your business, accommodating increased volume and complexity effortlessly.

How to Sign Up:

  1. Visit Our Free Sign-up Page: Go to our sign-up page to schedule your free strategy session and demo.
  2. Fill Out the Form: Provide some basic information about your business to help us tailor the session to your needs.
  3. Choose a Time: Select a convenient time for your session. Our team will be ready to help you get started on the path to better inventory management.

Don’t Miss Out on This Opportunity!

Taking control of your inventory management can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. Let SkuNexus be the partner that helps you achieve these results.

Join the ranks of successful businesses like Graeter’s Ice Cream, Carewell, and New Look Vision Group who have transformed their operations with SkuNexus.

Sign up now for your free Shopify inventory tracking strategy session and demo. Let’s take your inventory management to the next level together!

Click here to sign up now and get started on optimizing your Shopify inventory management with SkuNexus!

Your Roadmap Checklist to Shopify Inventory Tracking Success

To ensure you achieve the success you desire with your Shopify inventory tracking, follow this comprehensive checklist.

Each action step is crucial to optimizing your inventory management and enhancing your business operations.

Below is a detailed checklist to help you implement and maintain effective Shopify inventory tracking with SkuNexus. Follow each step carefully and mark your progress.

Action Step Description of Action Step Status (Fill In Yourself)
Sign Up and Set Up SkuNexus Visit the SkuNexus website and sign up for an account. Follow the setup process to connect your Shopify store and configure initial settings.  
Integrate SkuNexus with Shopify Ensure seamless integration between SkuNexus and Shopify to synchronize inventory data in real-time.  
Configure Inventory Tracking Settings Set up inventory tracking parameters, reorder points, and automation rules to streamline your operations.  
Train Your Team Provide comprehensive training for your team to ensure effective use of SkuNexus and its features.  
Perform Regular Stock Audits and Cycle Counts Conduct regular audits and cycle counts to maintain inventory accuracy and identify discrepancies early.  
Utilize Barcode Scanning Implement barcode scanning to eliminate manual errors and speed up inventory updates.  
Optimize Reorder Points and Safety Stock Levels Calculate and set optimal reorder points and safety stock levels to avoid stockouts and overstock situations.  
Leverage Data Analytics Use SkuNexus’s analytics tools to gain insights into sales trends, inventory turnover, and more.  
Synchronize Inventory Across Channels Ensure inventory levels are consistent across all sales channels to prevent overselling and stock discrepancies.  
Monitor and Adjust Inventory Strategies Regularly review and optimize your inventory strategies based on data insights and market trends.  
Sign Up for a Free Strategy Session and Demo Schedule a session with SkuNexus experts to get personalized advice and see the platform in action.  


By following this checklist, you can ensure a successful implementation of Shopify inventory tracking with SkuNexus.

Stay committed to these steps and watch your efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction soar.

More Resources for Shopify Inventory Tracking

For more in-depth information and resources on Shopify inventory tracking and related topics, check out these comprehensive guides and articles from SkuNexus.

Each link provides valuable insights and detailed strategies to optimize your inventory management processes.

By exploring these resources, you’ll gain deeper insights and practical strategies to further enhance your Shopify inventory tracking and overall inventory management processes.

How SkuNexus Stands Out Among Shopify Inventory Tracking Solutions

Choosing the right inventory tracking solution for your Shopify store is crucial for your business’s success.

While there are many options available, SkuNexus offers a unique combination of features and benefits that make it the superior choice.

Here’s how SkuNexus compares to other popular inventory tracking solutions:

SkuNexus vs. ShipBob

ShipBob is known for its fulfillment services, but SkuNexus goes beyond by offering comprehensive inventory management that includes real-time updates, advanced automation, and deep customization.

Learn more about the best ShipBob alternatives and competitors

SkuNexus vs. SkuVault

SkuVault provides robust inventory management features, yet SkuNexus excels with its seamless integration with Shopify and other platforms, plus a more user-friendly interface.

Explore the best SkuVault alternatives and competitors

SkuNexus vs. Brightpearl

Brightpearl offers ERP functionalities, but SkuNexus focuses on optimizing inventory tracking and fulfillment processes specifically for eCommerce, ensuring greater accuracy and efficiency.

Find out about the best Brightpearl alternatives and competitors

SkuNexus vs. Katana

Katana is tailored for manufacturing, while SkuNexus provides a more versatile solution that caters to diverse eCommerce needs, including real-time tracking and advanced analytics.

Discover the best Katana alternatives and competitors

SkuNexus vs. SKU IQ

SKU IQ offers basic inventory management, but SkuNexus enhances your operations with advanced automation and integration capabilities that streamline your entire workflow.

Learn more about the best SKU IQ alternatives and competitors

SkuNexus vs. SellerCloud

SellerCloud is multi-channel focused, yet SkuNexus provides deeper customization and scalability, making it perfect for businesses planning to grow and adapt.

Explore the best SellerCloud alternatives and competitors

SkuNexus vs. Deposco

Deposco offers a range of supply chain solutions, but SkuNexus stands out with its specific focus on enhancing Shopify inventory management and seamless eCommerce integration.

Discover the best Deposco alternatives and competitors

SkuNexus vs. ShipStation

ShipStation excels in shipping, but SkuNexus provides a more holistic approach, integrating shipping with comprehensive inventory and order management.

Learn about the best ShipStation alternatives and competitors

SkuNexus vs. ShipHero

ShipHero focuses on fulfillment, whereas SkuNexus offers end-to-end inventory management solutions that streamline all aspects of your eCommerce operations.

Explore the best ShipHero alternatives and competitors

SkuNexus vs. ShippingEasy

ShippingEasy is great for shipping, but SkuNexus enhances the entire inventory management process, offering better control and real-time visibility.

Discover the best ShippingEasy alternatives and competitors

SkuNexus vs. Veeqo

Veeqo provides multi-channel inventory management, but SkuNexus offers superior customization and automation to optimize your workflow efficiently.

Learn more about the best Veeqo alternatives and competitors

SkuNexus vs. Cin7 Core (DEAR Inventory)

Cin7 Core (DEAR Inventory) offers comprehensive inventory solutions, yet SkuNexus excels with its ease of use and powerful integration with Shopify.

Explore the best Cin7 Core alternatives and competitors

By comparing these solutions, it’s clear that SkuNexus provides the most robust, customizable, and user-friendly experience for managing Shopify inventory tracking. Take advantage of SkuNexus’s advanced features to streamline your operations and elevate your eCommerce business.

For more detailed comparisons, visit the respective links to learn how SkuNexus can outperform other inventory tracking solutions.

Final Thoughts on The Ultimate Shopify Inventory Tracking Solution

In conclusion, mastering Shopify inventory tracking is not just about keeping tabs on your stock levels; it’s about optimizing every aspect of your eCommerce operations.

With SkuNexus, you gain access to unparalleled real-time updates, advanced automation, and powerful analytics, ensuring your business runs smoothly and efficiently.

From handling returns to leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AI and IoT, SkuNexus stands out as the ultimate solution to elevate your Shopify store's inventory management.

Join the ranks of successful businesses that have transformed their operations and achieved remarkable growth with SkuNexus.

Sign Up for Your Free Shopify Inventory Tracking Strategy Session and Demo

Remember to sign up for your free Shopify inventory tracking strategy session and demo.

This personalized session will provide you with tailored advice, a live demo of SkuNexus's powerful features, and answers to all your inventory management questions.

Take the first step towards revolutionizing your inventory tracking and ensuring the success of your Shopify store with SkuNexus.

Sign up now and see the difference it can make!

About the Author

Yitzchak Lieblich is the founder and CEO of SkuNexus, a leading platform in Shopify inventory tracking and comprehensive eCommerce solutions.

With a vision to revolutionize inventory management, Yitzchak has leveraged his extensive experience in the tech and retail sectors to create a powerful, user-friendly system that empowers businesses to streamline their operations and achieve unprecedented efficiency.

Under his leadership, SkuNexus has become a trusted partner for companies seeking to optimize their inventory processes and scale their eCommerce ventures.

Passionate about innovation and customer success, Yitzchak continues to drive the development of cutting-edge tools that address the evolving needs of the digital marketplace.